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UNION 24 participants standing in a group waving flags

UNION 24 begins…

For our first UNION 24 weekend we headed to Chapel FM with the theme of ‘Building a Community of Practice’. It’s great to start the programmes off in the place it all started many years ago!

Day 1

Friday evening started with introductions from the UNION team and participants. Chapel FM team and volunteers joined us to share how/why they got involved and what Chapel FM means to them and Seacroft. We were also treated to Ethiopian food from the Chapel FM team!

Post it notes attached to white wall

Day 2

This weekend we were joined by UNION 23 alumni Ola Wilson

Activities included:

What am I putting in? 

What am I leaving at the door? 

Person looking at luggage labels attached to a lamp Luggage label reads 'trust the process: go with the flow' Luggage labels read 'learning from each other, skills, place, history, culture' and 'vulnerability' Silver bucket on a stool with caution tap around it reads 'kick the bucket'

Small Group creative exercise, building on the Post-Its of what participants are putting in. One question per group:

  • Who are we?
  • What culture or atmosphere do we want to create for UNION?
  • What will help us flourish as a group?
  • How will we deal with things when they get difficult?

From these reflections we started to creating the Group Alliance. As well as Collective Wellbeing Introduction, looking into ‘How do we identify and take responsibility for our own and group needs?’

UNION 24 participants hold a large piece of paper with writing and images UNION 24 participants hold a large piece of paper with writing and images

In the afternoon we delved into what questions we have about ‘Arts and Activism’, ‘Community Arts’ and ‘My role within it all?’ and had Co-created Wellbeing Spaces (Open Space style) such as ‘Mindful and Merry Mark Making’ ran by Ola and ‘Walk and Talk around Seacroft’ ran by Anisa. This was followed by further journaling time with prompts:

  • How am I starting UNION 24
  • What does community mean to me?
  • How and when do I belong?

Woman stands in front of 6 portrait drawings People sitting around a table with art materials

After dinner we began an amazing Show and Tell evening with participants and the team sharing songs, poems, spoken word, videos, comedy.

Woman stands in front of mic with guitar, the room is lit purple

Day 3

We started Sunday with somatic movement / embodiment practice with Sara to ground us in Feeling Resourced before heading into Biography work which was done through individual collage making or drawing and looked at:

  • My life journey through art and activism
  • Reflecting on where you have been
  • Considering where you are at the moment
  • Is this a time of change for you?

We ended the day with Ola’s Flag Making Activity, we got creative to make flags from the questions ‘Where am I going?’ and ‘What would you like to take forward?’

Various decorated flags laid out on the floor Line of people walking and holding flags

Person holds flag saying 'connecting through painting' Person holds flag saying 'freedom, community, solidarity, liberation' Person kneels on floor making a flag that reads 'challenge'

Saturday and Sunday’s amazing food was cooked by Linda, who was part of the UNION 19 team.

Our second weekend is fast approaching and we’re excited to be heading to Manchester!

Almost 5 years after the first UNION cohort visited in 2019:

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