Adrian Sinclair is responsible for the overall direction of UNION. He is founder and Co-Director of parent organisation Heads Together Productions, and developed Chapel FM Arts Centre, the first-ever arts venue in East Leeds. He is an experienced facilitator, and also trained with RD1st as a work coach.
Apart from coaching individual UNION participants, Adrian takes responsibility for the co-creation aspect of each UNION programme, developing themes and working with local participants to design each training weekend. He also oversees the collaborative learning projects for each programme.
Sara Domville has a background in performing arts, drama and film. Her creative work is rooted in social justice and gives creative expression to those whose voices are not usually heard in the mainstream. As well as being a coach and facilitator at UNION, she also works at Curious Minds in the North West. She is currently undertaking a Masters in Contemporary Creative Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy at Edge Hill University where she is developing a therapeutic creative framework called ‘Arts for the Blues’, which she delivers with women who have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence.
Anisa Saleh joined the team as coach on the UNION Leeds programme in 2021. With strong connections to social and environmental justice movements she also works as Training & Partnerships Coordinator at Black Girls’ Hike. With a background in Youth & Community work she has a broad range of experience supporting participation in the arts and in the health and wellbeing sector As with all the UNION coaches she trained with the brilliant RD1st.
Ailsa Robinson was a participant on the UNION 19 programme. She joined the team assisting on the UNION Leeds programme and became a Project Manager for UNION 23 and 24 programmes alongside her work as Marketing Officer for Leeds City Council’s Homeshare and Shared Lives schemes.
Chris Taylor was holding facilitator for UNION between 2019 and 2023. He now takes on a supervising role for the UNION core team, allowing them to reflect on their work with each cohort, as well as facilitating a range of alumni training events for UNION.
Chris is a Director of the Oasis Foundation, and has been involved in radical and social change since the 80s, spending much of his time running programmes to develop the next generation of change-agents.
Our coaching team for UNION 19 was led by Sara Domville and Vickie Bissett (on the right) who is former director of Artlink Hull and now doing a PhD on Socially Engaged Arts at the University of Hull.