reUNION radio #10
6:30pm - 10:30pm
Image Description:
Gate on the edge of a field with a handwritten sign
“Private Keep Out”. Only the sea beyond…
Everything will be okay…
- 6.30pm: With Attitude Playlist by Vicki Bissett “mostly new tunes from mostly old schoolers, but all with attitude”
- 7.00 to 8.00pm: News, interviews, stories and more music from the UNION team including:
- Chris Keulemans helped create the European Fellowship of Questions project and talks about his own work in the Netherlands and beyond as a traveling writer, journalist, moderator, teacher, mentor, performer, and founder of three spaces in Amsterdam for art and politics. It’s all about “curiosity and hard work”.
- Franco Bianchini joins us from Hull to discuss our role going forward during and after COVID 19. We have to “build hope again and help people to focus on what is the truth”.
- 8.00 to 9.00pm: The Woosh Mix by Asa: Dedicated to the late Pete Woosh… “an eclectic blend of post punk, acid house, psychedelia and alternative oddities people may connect with and feel somewhat enlightened and boost their dopamine levels to maximum, and also get people excited at the prospect of going out again. I want the mix to elevate peoples spirits and make them feel more confident in themselves and that everything will be okay.” More from Asa on bandcamp
- 9.00 to 10.20pm: Recital: A slick and surreal drama about ambition behind closed doors. With an interview with creators Ross Graham and Tom George Hammond.
Listen live or listen again through the Chapel FM website
In 2019 twenty emerging artists and activists from across the north of England came together for a series of training events and individual coaching.
But what is happening to them now, under lockdown and beyond. We catch up with some of them in a series of re-UNION radio programmes and find that, of course it’s tough, but life and creativity go on.
Starting with a themed playlist at 6.30pm, the main programme runs from 7pm to 8pm and topped off with an hour-long music mix for you to sit back and enjoy…
All broadcast live on chapelfm.co.uk
You can listen in or check out any of our past shows on the UNION show page
Chapel FM Arts Centre
1081 York Road
LS14 6JB