Tallulah Howarth (she/they)
About: I am a Yorkshire based poet, freelance graphic designer and ‘actorvist’, who loves foraging, archives and Polish jazz. Publications include Young Identity’s ‘No Disclaimers’, ‘Ecosystems of Fury’, HEBE and Now Then Magazine. I was selected as one of 2019’s top five BBC Young Writers’ and shortlisted to represent Manchester in the international poetry slam, Slam-O-Vision. My work is observational, political and philosophical, and greatly influenced by the natural world. If we can envision a beautiful, radical future, what’s to stop us creating it now?
Though I mainly focus on poetry, I am experimenting with new visual art forms such as pyrography, painting and clay. I love zine-making and songwriting, and recently received funding to create a riot grrrl band entirely about fungi and foraging (which can be followed on Instagram under @dvsmband)
I’m always excited by collaboration, so feel free to connect with me if you think any of my work would complement yours!