UNION Leeds 22
The UNION Leeds programme has now ended. Have a look at the Course information below and check out our News pages for latest information on what the cohort has been up to…
If you want to find out more then do get in touch with us at union@unionarts.org.uk and keep in touch via our newsletter (link in the footer…)
A 12-month programme of coaching and training for people committed to developing creativity in the communities around Leeds.
Overview of the programme
You might be a community artist or a social activist with creativity at the heart of your plans. You could be working or volunteering at one of the community-based venues around the city, or would love to be!
If you are:
- Based in Leeds and active in the communities that make up the city
- Looking for direction, opportunities, challenges
- Ready to be part of a group—to learn with, and get support from
Then join the free UNION Leeds programme
UNION Leeds will include:
- Group training workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions to help develop skills and define your own future pathway
- Recommendations for mentors, opportunities for work placements and training opportunities
- Practical real-life collaborative projects to develop and learn from eg community radio, producing a gig, coordinating an exhibition, community food and growing
UNION is coordinated by Heads Together Productions and, with support from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, we are able to offer this programme for free and provide additional support where needed eg travel and access costs.