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Photo description: Book on someone’s knee
with UNION Leeds hand-drawn on the cover

There have been two further UNION Leeds sessions this year; in January a full weekend split between Chapel FM and HEART in Headingley, and another full day at Open Source Arts in February.

The group are really in their storming phase! Enjoying being together and then there is so much learning going on! At each venue we have recorded something from the people involved with the place and the community—follow the links to hear Mike Bird at HEART; and Phil Marken and Myra Rowlands from Open Source Arts

Each session focuses on different themes including:

  1. Place-making
  2. Values, Purpose and Impact
  3. Goals for the year and beyond

And also taken time for each participant to share something of their own work; whether that is something of what they have done in the past, are doing now, or might plan for the future.

We are teaming up with City of Leeds Museums to look at the history of creative activism in Leeds; and the group themselves are planning future sessions around themes such as ethics and compassion as well as looking at planning for some real collaborative projects.

And alongside the group sessions, each of the participants are teaming up with one of the UNION Leeds coaches for one-to-one sessions looking at their own personal development and goals.

Some photos taken by UNION 19 alumni Tom Edwards

People sitting at cafe tables; some writing, some thinking, others laughing…

Man presenting with notebook and hand thoughtfully to his chin. Suspended globe lights behind.














Three people round a garden table in discussion. Man in jacket with geometric design with his back to the camera and arms outstretched

Person’s braceletted arms stretch down next to their trainers to reach felt pens in case on the floor next to a pile of post-it notes.

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